Streaming out encoded audio

Instead of calling a, the chunks of an encoding processor can also be retrieved and streamed outside the pipe during the process.

>>> import timeside
>>> from timeside.core import get_processor
>>> from import samples
>>> import numpy as np
>>> audio_file = samples['sweep.wav']
>>> decoder = get_processor('file_decoder')(audio_file, duration=1)
>>> output = '/tmp/test.mp3'
>>> encoder = get_processor('mp3_encoder')(output, streaming=True, overwrite=True)
>>> pipe = decoder | encoder

Create a process callback method so that you can retrieve end send the chunks:

>>> def streaming_callback():
...     for chunk in
...         # Do something with chunk
...         print chunk.timestamp

Now you can use the callback to stream the audio data outside TimeSide!

>>> streaming_callback()